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Does the idea of building a website for your Internet business plague you with endless worry and sleepless nights? Do you become overwhelmed with the whole process? Don’t panic. Building your website is not as difficult as it may seem. Follow these steps to get your website up and running in no time flat.

First you need a domain name. Your domain name is like your street address on the Internet. A recommended resource is http://www.godaddy.com. They will help you find an available domain name for as little as $10. However, don’t buy anything else from http://www.godaddy.com because they will constantly barrage you with new offers. The price can add up quickly.

The next order of business is to find a hosting account. A hosting account actually posts your website on the Internet. A recommended hosting provider is http://www.frontierpowerhosting.com.

Caution – Caution – Caution! Make sure that you have your OWN unique IP address. This way you can avoid being lumped in with spammers. For example, let’s say your website shares an IP address with another Internet business. This other Internet business is a spammer. This website (and any other websites associated with this IP address which includes your website) will be shut down by Yahoo, Earthlink, etc. So you will be out of business even though you are an honest person. Therefore, make sure you have your own unique IP address.

You have your domain name and hosting account. Now it’s time to build your website. You can build a website and write the copy by yourself even if you don’t have web creating experience. One user friendly website creation program is MS FrontPage. Microsoft has recently come out with “Expressions” which is essentially an updated version of MS FrontPage. The programs work in a very similar manner. You can download a Beta version of “Expressions” at http://www.microsoft.com.

Another option for creating website copy is to hire a direct response copy writer to pen the copy. It can cost thousands of dollars to hire a top notch direct response copy writer, but is well worth it because they have the ability to turn words into money and subscribers.

The next item on your list is to set up an Autoresponder. There are two types of Autoresponders. The first type is a regular Autoresponder that automatically sends a message to anyone that emails you. For example, Outlook has an “Out of Office” Autoresponder.

The second type of Autoresponder is labeled a “smart” Autoresponder. A smart Autoresponder holds personal information from your subscriber list such as first name, last name, email address, IP address, and a time stamp of when the subscriber sent the email. Use a smart Autoresponder.

By : Matt Bacak

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